Insomnia in der Innerstadt

The as-ancient-as-time-itself Elder Gods of...trains decided that we were unworthy of going following our laid-out travel plan. We learnt that the next train for Warsawa was fully booked, and that the next train would roll into the station at the early time of 4:28 in the morning. We hadn't much choice but the take that one, and we spent the next seven hours at the station, taking turns if sleeping on benches and sitting upright, staring at people that were also sitting upright, staring at people. Oscar played another exciting round of suspensefull Kommunistisk Patiens, that he did win, and did not enjoy. Once every 15 minutes, another train would force its way at full speed into the station and subsequently put their brakes to good use, creating a screeching noise that made Oscar wishe he was deaf. Johannes slept through it. We survived on cheeseburgers in exchange for shiny pieces of metal that we threw at a woman wearing a big, yellow "M" on her hat. So to make long story short, we didn't like the station, and it didn't like us.

Johannes wanted to add that he did enjoy the city of Berlin, though. Oscar says that he can't really say the same, considering what it did to his poor, innocent eardrums.

Next morning? Johannes woke Oscar with a method that neither of them remember. Nonetheless, it brought him back to the realm of the awake and living again. They rushed to the train, their only way out of this godforsaken station. It was a night train where everyone slept, so our two backpackers thought; "When in Rome, do as the Romans." the sweet embrace of sleep surely overtook them, and when they would wake, the two intrepid adventurers would find themselves in another world.


I'm sorry that we haven't updated the super-duper blog for quite a while, but our exciting trans-national train-trekking has left us with little time for idle contemplation in matters esoterical. In other words; we've been busy.

Our journey's first train stopped at Copenhagen, where we spent about five minutes in Copenhagen, trying to figure out how to get out of Copenhagen. We jumped on the nearest train bound for Hamburg while Oscar resisted his cravings for pilsner and pølse. We were both terrified of the German conductor who kindly asked to see our tickets. Of course, he did so in German, so it sounded like a train-wreck going through you right ear, leaving through the nose. And then we waited.

And then, to our surprise, the train decided that it wanted to be a boat. It boarded a ferry, where we spent the water-bound journey trying to re-enact the scene from Titanic on its deck. The apropriate part of the deck was out of bound for non-employees. The crew were probably sick and tired of hearing tourists scream "I'm the king of the world!"

And we also bought tax-free whiskey. It tastes as you would expect low-quality alcohol in a plastic bottle bought at a ferry to taste. We reckon that it will last the rest of our journey, and quite possibly, our entire lives.

And in a fit of madness and darkness and depravity, The Elder Gods decided to look down on us two puny mortals and lo and behold, they did spoke and said: "Let's fuck their shit up, yo." Or something like that. The train did leave the ferry, but after that, it suffered a complete breakdown. The voice from the speaker explained the dire situation in both German and Danish, in order to be unintelligible and incomprehensible to us in two languages. We did as everyone else did, and got off the train, into another and then waited for 50 minutes with the shaky reassurance that the train would leave the station any time now. We thought we had waited for a long time once our train was moving. But this... Was just the beginning! *Dun-Dun-DUUUH!*

Ååh åka pendeltåg, jag är en luffare baby (har inget körkort)

And we are off! As you can plainly tell, travelling by train is Incredibly Fun! We won't get fed up with that anytime soon, that's for sure. We don't know any card games, so we made one up. It's name is Kommunistisk Patiens; a game that is impossible to lose, nor enjoy.

We are in Skåne at the moment. We can't stop here, this is spiddikaka-country. (Google it, I dare you.)


The day has finally come! After days of thoughful planning (Oh really?) we are finally here.

Our first stop will be Copenhagen, but everyone know that Danmark is a horrible contry which can't play soccer. So we are leaving immidietly for Berlin. Where we will spend the day before we take a nighttrain to Warszawa.

This is what I got to work with. Clothes, a sleepingbag, a tent, map, the interrail ticket, wallet, books, my passport, water and a lot more. Untill next time; Don´t die, and may the weather  be with you.


This is the translation of the entry below, for all you immaculately beautiful and magnanimous cosmopolitans out there ♥

"I think Heartman is a pretty cool guy. Eh travels by trian and doesn't afraid of anything."


De kallar mig Paradis-Oscar.

Eller nej, inte egentligen. Om jag vore en superhjälte skulle jag kallas "Heartman!". Och det är jättecoolt, ifall ni inte redan visste det. Jag ska även ge mig ut på mitt livs största och första tågluff, vilket är ännu coolare. Som den stolta neoluffare jag är kommer jag halvhjärtat arkivera resan här.


Europa är min lekplats! Där Anakin har midi-klorianer har jag luff! (Det är egentligen samma sak, men det får ni veta senare) Nu undrar ni säkert vad luff egentligen är för något, or else.

Att finna men inte söka, det är luff. Att dricka ALLT som bjuds, det är luff. Spontana livbeslut, att ÄLSKA månskensbelysna nattpromenader, att motstå hunger, trötthet och smärta med ett gott skämt i sinnet, att ge all makt åt Tengil, vår befriare och viktigast av allt, följa neoluffens 16 budord. Mer om de senare.

Vi avslutar med ett citat från de visa luffarna på LGS2:

"kort sagt skull jag säga att neoluffing handlar om att uppleva så mycket som möjligt på minsta möjliga kapital. m a o skulle det kunna vara att komma till en helt främmande stad, och kunna ragga sovplats, mat och fylle snudd på gratis"

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